
Function, exponential curve fit

% function [Curvefit, goodness] = myfit2(MeanInt,FrameTreat)
% [Curvefit, goodness] = myfity2(MeanInt,FrameTreat)
% Curve Fit
% Input
% MeanInt - curve to be fitted must be exponential rising curve
% FrameTreat - frame number corresponding to time of challenge/treatment
% Output
% Curvefit - curve fit to data
% goodness - goodness of fit least square error
% Curve Fit Equation
% y(x) =  alpha*[1 -exp(-beta *(x-r))] + c
% Solutions:
% y[ x = (1/beta) + r ] = alpha( 1 - 1/e ) + c
%             = alpha(0.63)+c
% c = ymin
% alpha = ymax - c
% beta: alpha(1-1/e)+c = alpha[1-exp(-beta*(x-r))]+c
%         alpha(1-1/e) = alpha[1-exp(-beta*(x-r))]
%              (1-1/e) = 1-exp[-beta*(x-r)]
%                 -1/e = -exp[-beta*(x-r)]
%              ln(1/e) = -beta*(x-r)
%          ln(1)-ln(e) = -beta*(x-r)
%                    1 = beta*(x-r)
%                 beta = 1/(x-r)
%                     |
%      alpha+c --->   |                             .     .    .
%                     |                       .
%                     |                  .
%0.63(alpha)+c --->   |              .
%                     |           .
%                     |         .
%                     |       .
%                     |      .
%            c --->   |     .
%                     |
%                     |__________________________________________

MeanInt = MeanInt(FrameTreat:FrameTreat-1+36); %3 min post treat, inclusive treat
SMeanInt = smooth(MeanInt,'lowess'); %smooth the curve
dSMeanInt = diff(SMeanInt); %the discrete derivative of smooth curve
zerocross = diff(sign(dSMeanInt)); %the zero crossing of derivative
if ~isempty(find(zerocross<=-1,1)) %get peak if zero cross
    fitlim = find(zerocross<=-1); %all indices of zero cross
    [~, findx] = max(SMeanInt(fitlim)); %max value of original smooth fx at zero corssings
    fitlim = fitlim(findx)+1; %index of max value zero cross
else                               %get peak if no zero cross
    %[~, fitlim] = min(abs(dSMeanInt));
    fitlim = 12; %1min post treat

TreatCurve = MeanInt(1+1:fitlim);%curve post treat
            %TreatCurve data index starts at 1
a = ones(1,length(TreatCurve)); %make array same length as TreatCurve
a = a*TreatCurve(end); %make array equal to platue value
TreatCurve = [TreatCurve a]; %concatenate, extend platue
x = 0:(length(TreatCurve)-1); %start x-axis from zero
x = x*5; %convert from frames to seconds (1frame = 5seconds)
x = x+(5*FrameTreat); %shift the curve to match time stamp
myc = round(min(TreatCurve));
myalpha = round(max(TreatCurve)-myc);
temp = 0.63*myalpha+myc; %find value 63%
temp = abs(TreatCurve-temp); %subtract value 66% of max from curve
[~, tempx] = min(temp); %get index of min difference = index of 63%myalpha+myc
mybeta = 1/(tempx);
r = 5*FrameTreat; %create right shift known constant (seconds)

s = fitoptions('Mehtod','NonlinearLeastSquares','Robust','LAR',...
                'Startpoint',[myalpha,mybeta,myc]); %set the fitting parameters

f = fittype( @(alpha,beta,c,x) alpha*(1 - exp(-beta *(x-r))) +c,...
            'coefficients',{'alpha','beta','c'},'options',s ); %set the curve fit function

[Curvefit, goodness] = fit(x',TreatCurve',f); %fit data to an eponential rise curve

figure, plot(Curvefit,'k-'),hold on %create a plot of the curve fit and original data
plot(x, TreatCurve,'k.','markersize',12) %plot data points
legend('Fit Curve', 'Data','Location','SouthEast') %place legend
xlabel('Time(seconds)','FontSize',20) %x-axis label
ylabel('Fluorescence Intensity','FontSize',20) %y-axis label
Txticks = get(gca,'XTick'); %x-axis tick array
Pxticks = round(length(get(gca,'XTick'))/4); %1/4 length of x-axis tick array
xticks = Txticks(Pxticks); %1/4 length value of x-axis ticks
tempytick = abs(x-xticks); %x-axis data - x-axis 1/4 length tick value
[~, tempytick] = min(tempytick); %find position of min difference
text(xticks,TreatCurve(tempytick),{['y(x) = ','\alpha',...
    ' * [ 1 - exp( -','\beta',' * (x-r) ) ] + c'];...
    ['y(x) = ',num2str(Curvefit.alpha,4),...
    '))]+',num2str(Curvefit.c,4)];['R = ', num2str(goodness.rsquare,4)];...
    ['\tau = 1/\beta = ', num2str(1/Curvefit.beta,4), ' (seconds)']},...
    'VerticalAlignment','Cap','FontSize',16) %place equation text


Function, Outlier Test

% function [ObjectOut alphas taus] = myout3(meanInt,FrameTreat)
% [ObjectOut, alphas, taus] = myfity2(MeanInt,FrameTreat)
% Outlier discovery based on curve fit parameters and on outlier criteria
% Input
% meanInt - [#cells,1,#frames] curve to be fitted must be exponential rising curve
% FrameTreat - frame number corresponding to time of challenge/treatment
% Output
% ObjectOut - numeric 1 or 0 indicating exclusion status based on outlier criteria
% alphas, taus - curve fit parameters

objects = size(meanInt,1);
frames = size(meanInt,3);
curves = reshape(meanInt,objects,frames);
for k = 1:objects
    curve = curves(k,:);
    curve = curve(FrameTreat:FrameTreat-1+36); %3 min post treat, inclusive treat
    SMeanInt = smooth(curve,'lowess'); %smooth the curve
    dSMeanInt = diff(SMeanInt); %the discrete derivative of smooth curve
    zerocross = diff(sign(dSMeanInt)); %the zero crossing of derivative
    if ~isempty(find(zerocross<=-1,1)) %get peak if zero cross
        fitlim = find(zerocross<=-1); %all indices of zero cross
        [~, findx] = max(SMeanInt(fitlim)); %max value of original smooth fx at zero corssings
        fitlim = fitlim(findx)+1; %index of max value zero cross
    else                               %get peak if no zero cross
        %[~, fitlim] = min(abs(dSMeanInt));
        fitlim = 12; %get 1min post treat

    TreatCurve = curve(1+1:fitlim);%curve post treat
                %TreatCurve data index starts at 1
    a = ones(1,length(TreatCurve)); %make array same length as TreatCurve
    a = a*TreatCurve(end); %make array equal to platue value
    TreatCurve = [TreatCurve a]; %concatenate, extend platue
    x = 0:(length(TreatCurve)-1); %start x-axis from zero
    x = x*5; %convert from frames to seconds (1frame = 5seconds)
    x = x+(5*FrameTreat); %shift the curve to match time stamp
    myc = round(min(TreatCurve));
    myalpha = round(max(TreatCurve)-myc);
    temp = 0.63*myalpha+myc; %find value 63%
    temp = abs(TreatCurve-temp); %subtract value 66% of max from curve
    [~, tempx] = min(temp); %get index of min difference = index of 63%myalpha+myc
    mybeta = 1/(tempx);

    r = 5*FrameTreat; %create right shift known constant (seconds)

    s = fitoptions('Mehtod','NonlinearLeastSquares','Robust','LAR',...
                    'Startpoint',[myalpha,mybeta,myc]); %set the fitting parameters

    f = fittype( @(alpha,beta,c,x) alpha*(1 - exp(-beta *(x-r))) +c,...
                'coefficients',{'alpha','beta','c'},'options',s ); %set the curve fit function

    [Curvefit, goodness] = fit(x',TreatCurve',f); %fit data to an eponential rise curve
    alphas(k) = Curvefit.alpha;
    taus(k) = 1/Curvefit.beta;
%    %plot
%     figure, plot(Curvefit,'k-'),hold on %create a plot of the curve fit and original data
%     plot(x, TreatCurve,'k.','markersize',12)
%     legend('Fit Curve', 'Data','Location','SouthEast')
%     xlabel('Time(seconds)','FontSize',20)
%     ylabel('Fluorescence Intensity','FontSize',20)
%     text(x(2),0.95*(TreatCurve(2)),{['y(x) = ','\alpha',...
%         ' * [ 1 - exp( -','\beta',' * (x-r) ) ] + c'];...
%         ['y(x) = ',num2str(Curvefit.alpha,4),...
%         '*[1-exp(-',num2str(Curvefit.beta,4),'*(x-',num2str(5*FrameTreat,4),...
%         '))]+',num2str(Curvefit.c,4)];['R = ', num2str(goodness.rsquare,4)];...
%         ['\tau = 1/\beta = ', num2str(1/Curvefit.beta,4), ' (seconds)']},...
%         'VerticalAlignment','Top','FontSize',18)

%Remove outliers. Exclude data 2SEMs away (2SEMs ~ 95% population about mean)
meanalphas = mean(alphas);
stealphas = std(alphas)/sqrt(length(alphas));
meantaus = mean(taus);
stetaus = std(taus)/sqrt(length(taus));
for k = 1:objects
    if abs(alphas(k)-meanalphas) > 4*stealphas ||...
            abs(taus(k)-meantaus) > 4*stetaus %95percent population in norm distribution
        ObjectOut(k) = 1;
        ObjectOut(k) = 0;