
To do

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% enter warnings for:
%       attempting to analyze input-output .abf files
%       attempting to analyze noisy data
%       attempting to analyze data that does not follow electrophysio assay

% test fit curve(done 10/6/10)

% create output of stArray into txt file(done 10/6/10)

% create progress bar(done 10/6/10)

% create plots of important data(done 10/7/10)


Initialize variables

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%create a cell array for each sweep (150 sweeps collected in 10908001)
%and only plot the first 7 ms then find markers

clear all;
close all;

%initialize progress bar
h = waitbar(0,'Initializing Global waitbar...',...
    'position',[400 100 275 50]);

button = [];
button1 = [];
button2 = [];
button3 = [];
button4 = [];
button5 = [];
button6 = [];

%create a directory of all abf files
directory = dir('*abf');

%initialize counters for figure plots and waitbar
fig = 0;
step = 0;


Load data

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%read in each experimental data set as waveform data using the abfload
for n = 1:size(directory, 1);
    x = abfload1(directory(n).name);
    x0 = [];
    x1 = [];
    marks = [];

    %create 3D array of translated waveform data [m n l]
    %m=# of samples, n=dimension of samples, l=# of sweeps
    hfcount = 0;
    for k = 1:size(x,3);
          x0(:,1,k) = x(1:700, 1, k);
          x1(:,1,k) = x0(:,1,k) - mean(x0(1:20,1,k));
          x2 = x1(:,:,k);
        %enter a nested function that will iterate through an array of
        %data and position the three markers appropriately
        if k == 1
            [M1, M2, M3] = markers(x2);
            marks(:,1,k) = M1;
            marks(:,2,k) = M2;
            marks(:,3,k) = M3;
        elseif var(x2(1:200)) <= 0.01
            marks(:,1,k) = marks(:,1,k-1);
            marks(:,2,k) = marks(:,2,k-1);
            marks(:,3,k) = marks(:,3,k-1);
            if k < 46 %limit high frequency data point count
                        %because points are set to zero
                hfcount = hfcount+1;
                hf(hfcount) = k;
            [M1, M2, M3] = markers(x2);
            marks(:,1,k) = M1;
            marks(:,2,k) = M2;
            marks(:,3,k) = M3;


    %create time vector for plotting sweeps (only 1st 7ms)
    time = linspace(0,7,700)';

    %user input analysis options
    correct = 0;
    while correct ~= 1

        button = questdlg({['Would you like to be able to edit the ',...
            'placement of popspike markers for '];...
            ['Mouse #', strtok((directory(n).name), '.')]},...
            'Analysis Option', 'Yes', 'No', 'No');

        button = lower(button);

        if strcmp(button, 'yes') || strcmp(button, 'no')
            correct = 1;
        else correct =0;

Display Population Spike Automation

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    %plot the markers for each mouse at each sweep
    if strcmp(button, 'yes')
        if isempty(button1)
        button1 = questdlg({'Watch placement of Markers';...
            ['Keep in mind or record the waveform #(s) ',...
            'that appear incorrect'];...
            ['You will later have the opportunity to ', ...
            'modify the waveform(s) that need edits']},...
            'Reminder', 'Ok', 'Ok');

hh = waitbar(0,'Initializing Current progress waitbar...',... 'position',[400 200 275 50]); for i = 1:size(x1,3) pic = figure(1); wave = x1(:,:,i); plot(time',wave); hold on; plot(time(marks(2,1,i)), linspace(-1,2), 'r',... time(marks(2,2,i)), linspace(-1,2),... 'r', time(marks(2,3,i)), linspace(-1,2), 'r'); title({['Mouse #', strtok((directory(n).name), '.')];... ['Waveform #', int2str(i)]}); xlabel('time(ms)'); ylabel('Volts(mV)'); hold off; pause(.2); %update current progress waitbar perc = i/size(x1,3); waitbar(perc,hh,sprintf('%.0f%% Current Progress...',perc*100)) end close(pic); close(hh);

Prompt User to Edit Automated PS

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        button2 = questdlg({['Do you need to edit the placement ',...
            'of markers on one or more waveform(s) for:'];
            ['Mouse #', strtok((directory(n).name), '.'), ' ?']},...
            'Analysis Option', 'No', 'Yes', 'No');
        button2 = lower(button2);

button5 = []; while ~strcmp(button5,'no') %keep a loop while user still needs %to edit the placement of waveform markers %get the range of waveforms to edit markers if strcmp(button2, 'yes') rangetest = 0; while rangetest == 0 prompt = ({['Enter comma separated Range of ',... 'waveform #(s) that need editing Example: 12,19']}); dlg_title = 'Enter comma separated Range of Waveform #(s)'; num_lines = 1; options.Resize='on'; options.WindowStyle='normal'; options.Interpreter='tex'; def = {'1,1'}; Range = inputdlg(prompt,dlg_title,num_lines,def,options);
range = Range{1}; range = str2num(range); if length(range) < 2 || length(range) > 2 rangeh = warndlg({'Enter comma separated range';... 'For Example:'; '12,19'}); uiwait(rangeh); continue elseif range(1) == 0 || range(2) > size(x1,3) rangeh = warndlg(['Range should be from 1 to ',... num2str(size(x1,3))]); uiwait(rangeh); continue elseif range(1) > range(2) rangeh = warndlg('For Range [a,b], b must be > a'); uiwait(rangeh); else rangetest = 1; end end end %iterate through the range of waveforms we need to edit if strcmp(button2, 'yes') %initialize waitbar for current progress hh = waitbar(0,'Initializing Current progress waitbar...',... 'position',[400 200 275 50]); for i = range(1):range(2) pic = figure(1); wave = x1(:,:,i); plot(1:length(wave),wave); hold on; plot(marks(2,1,i), linspace(-1,2), 'b',... marks(2,2,i), linspace(-1,2),... 'b', marks(2,3,i), linspace(-1,2), 'b'); title({['Mouse #', strtok((directory(n).name), '.')];... ['Waveform #', int2str(i)]}); xlabel('sample#'); ylabel('Volts(mV)'); button3 = myquestdlg(['Are the markers for the ',... 'current waveform correct?'], 'Analysis Option',... 'Yes', 'No','Quit','Yes');
button3 = lower(button3); if strcmp(button3, 'quit') hold off; break; end if strcmp(button3, 'no') yx = []; if i == range(1) && isempty(button4); button4 = questdlg({'*****';... ['You are going to manually place ',... 'all three markers'];... '1...2...3'; ['You must place each marker',... ' and the order is important']; ... 'Only the x-axis coordinate is relevant'},... 'Important Information', 'OK', 'OK'); end
but = 0; while but ~= 3 [xi,yi,click] = ginput(1);
if isempty(click) return; elseif click ~= 1 continue; elseif ceil(xi+1) > length(wave) rangeh = warndlg(['Stay in bounds',... '& reselect preveious marker']); uiwait(rangeh); continue; else but = but+1; end xi = ceil(xi); yi = ceil(yi); plot(xi,yi-1:.1:yi+1,'rx') yx(:,but) = [wave(xi+1);xi]; end hold off; marks(:,1,i) = yx(:,1); marks(:,2,i) = yx(:,2); marks(:,3,i) = yx(:,3); end hold off; close(pic); perc = (i-range(1)+1)/(range(2)-range(1)+1); waitbar(perc,hh,sprintf('%.0f%% Current Progress...'... ,perc*100)) end close(hh); end %ask if the user still needs to edit data button5 = questdlg({['Do you want to continue editing ',... 'the placement of markers for:'];... ['Mouse #', strtok((directory(n).name), '.')]},... 'Analysis Option', 'No', 'Yes', 'No');
button5 = lower(button5); end

Consolidate PS Data Collection

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    %compute relavent calculations that will be used to generate graphs and
    %will also be used to summarize data
    POP = [];
    if size(x,3) >= hf(length(hf)) + 100
        for k = 1:hf(length(hf)) + 100;
            POP(k) = (1/2*(marks(1,1,k) + marks(1,3,k))) - marks(1,2,k);
        for k = 1:size(x,3);
            POP(k) = (1/2*(marks(1,1,k) + marks(1,3,k))) - marks(1,2,k);

    for k = 1:length(hf);
        POP(hf(k)) = 0; %make all high freq. stim. samples zero
        %POP(hf(k)) = nan; %erase all hih freq. stim. samples

    POPave = mean(POP(1:32));
    POPN = 100*(POP/POPave);
    POPNave = mean(POPN(112:121));

    %create a standard sample length for fitting exponential Y to data
    if length(POPN) >= 136;
        POPN_1 = POPN((hf(length(hf)) + 1):136);
        POPN_1 = POPN((hf(length(hf)) + 1):length(POPN));

    Y = POPN_1;
    Y = Y - min(Y); %normalize Y
    fitlimit = length(Y); %determine length of fitY

    %create the time vectors corresponding to the sample rate, 3 samples per minute. One for
    %POPN and one for Y and fitY
    k = 0:1/3:length(POPN)/3; %time vector
    if length(k) ~= length(POPN)
        TIME = k(1:length(POPN));

    if length(k) ~= length(Y)
        k = k(1:length(Y));


Plot POPN vs TIME & Yfit vs Time & Summar Page

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    %create plots of POPN vs TIME |&| Y vs Time with fitY vs Time and
    %create a figure with a summary of data output
    %plot of POPN vs TIME
    set(gcf,'name',[strtok((directory(n).name), '.'), ' ',...
        'POPN vs time(min)']);
    plot(TIME, POPN,['b','o']); hold on; plot(TIME, POPN,['k','-']);
    title([strtok((directory(n).name), '.'), ' ',...
        'POPN vs time(min)'], 'fontsize', 18, 'fontweight', 'bold');
    ylabel('Percent Recovery');
        '\downarrow high frequency stimulation',...
        'fontweight', 'bold', 'horizontalalignment', 'left',...
        'backgroundcolor', 'y');
    text(40,.95*diff(ylim)+min(ylim),['Fortieth min Recovery = '...
        ,num2str(POPNave,'%2.0f'),'% \downarrow'], 'fontweight',...
        'bold', 'horizontalalignment', 'right', 'backgroundcolor', 'y');
    hold off;
    fig = fig + 1;
    %save plot
    saveas(gcf,[strtok((directory(n).name), '.'), '_POPNvstime'],'pdf');
    %close plot
    close gcf;

    %update progress bar
    step = step +1;
    perc = (step)/(4*size(directory,1));
    perc = num2str(perc,'%0.2f');
    perc = str2double(perc);
    waitbar(perc,h,sprintf('%.0f%% Global Progress...',perc*100))

    fitlimit = length(Y);
    button4 = [];

    while strcmp(button4, 'no') ~= 1
        [curvefit,goodness,fitx] = myfitY(Y,'yes',20,'%PS',fig+n); %sample rate =20seconds/sample
        Tao = 1/curvefit.beta; %tau in seconds
        R = abs(goodness.rsquare); %coefficient of determination
        dfe = goodness.dfe; %degrees of freedom
        rmse = goodness.rmse; %root mean square error
        sse = goodness.sse; %sum of squares due to error

        %plot of Y & fitY vs Time
         title([strtok((directory(n).name), '.'), ' ',...
             'Y and fitY vs Time(sec)'], 'fontsize', 18, 'fontweight', 'bold');

         ylabel({'Percent Recovery';...
             'post high frequency stimulation'}, 'fontsize', 14);

        %ask if user wants to edit limit of fit curve
        button4 = myquestdlg(['Do you need to edit the ',...
            'limit of the curve fit?'],...
            'Analysis Option', 'No', 'Yes', 'No');
button4 = lower(button4); %have user define limit of fit curve if strcmp(button4, 'yes')
% use ginput to get user interaction. Continue until terminated with right click XCropp = []; %initialize clicked coordinates variable click_count = 0; %counts number of times clicked lastpoint = 1; %tracks left click, right click and middle click != 1 pointsY = axis; %assigns axis dimensions pointsY = pointsY(3:4); %keeps only mySignal dimensions while lastpoint == 1 [xi,yi,lastpoint] = ginput(1); %ginput calls input routine line([xi,xi],pointsY,'color','r') %uses last input and draws vertical line in red click_count = click_count+1; %increment clicks XCropp(:,click_count) = xi; %save click coordinates, use later to reference new cropped graph end % select subregion of signal using user input startx = round(min(XCropp(:))/20); %convert from seconds to indices if startx >= 0.5*length(Y); %keep start if only trimming right half of curve startx = 1; end endx = round(max(XCropp(:))/20); %convert from seconds to indices if endx <= 0.5*length(Y); %keep length if only trimming left half of curve endx = length(Y); end Y = Y(startx:endx); limitsCrop = [startx,endx]; % save the cropped limits for future use hold off; end fitY = curvefit.alpha*(1 - exp(-curvefit.beta *(fitx))); end fig = fig + 1; %save plot saveas(gcf,[strtok((directory(n).name), '.'),... '_YandfitYvsTime'],'pdf'); %close plot close gcf; %update progress bar step = step +1; perc = (step)/(4*size(directory,1)); perc = num2str(perc,'%0.2f'); perc = str2double(perc); waitbar(perc,h,sprintf('%.0f%% Global Progress...',perc*100)) %data output summary figure figure(fig+n); set(gcf,'name',[strtok((directory(n).name), '.'), ' ',... 'Output Data']); axis([0,20,0,20]); text(9.54,10,{[strtok((directory(n).name), '.'),... ' DataOutputSummary'];... ['Fortieth Minute Recovery = ',num2str(POPNave, '%2.2f'),'%'];... ['Tau = ', num2str(Tao,'%2.4f'), ' (sec)']; 'Fit Statistics:';... ['Root mean square error = ',num2str(rmse,'%2.4f')];... ['Error sum of squares = ',num2str((sse),'%2.4f')];... ['Coefficient of determination (R^2) = ', num2str(R,'%2.4f')];... ['Degrees of freedom = ', num2str(dfe,'%2.2f')]},... 'horizontalalignment', 'center','fontweight', 'bold',... 'backgroundcolor', 'w', 'verticalalignment', 'middle',... 'fontsize', 24); axis off; %save plot saveas(gcf,[strtok((directory(n).name), '.'),... '_DataOutputSummary'],'pdf'); %close plot close gcf; %update progress bar step = step +1; perc = (step)/(4*size(directory,1)); perc = num2str(perc,'%0.2f'); perc = str2double(perc); waitbar(perc,h,sprintf('%.0f%% Global Progress...',perc*100)) %-------------------------------------------------------------------

Pack Data into text file for export

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    %create string array of important data
    stArray = struct;
    stArray(n).name = ['mouse_', strtok((directory(n).name), '.')];
    stArray(n).waveform = x1;
    stArray(n).markers = marks;
    stArray(n).POPN = POPN;
    stArray(n).POPNave = POPNave;
    stArray(n).Y = Y;
    stArray(n).fitY = fitY;
    stArray(n).Time = TIME;

    %reformat string array of data that will be exported to txt file
    stWrite = struct;
    stWrite(n).name = stArray(n).name;
    stWrite(n).waveform = reshape(stArray(n).waveform,[700,w]);
    stWrite(n).markers = reshape(stArray(n).markers(1,:,:),[w,3]);
    stWrite(n).POPN = reshape(stArray(n).POPN,[q,1]);
    stWrite(n).POPNave = stArray(n).POPNave;
    stWrite(n).Y = reshape(stArray(n).Y,[l,1]);
    stWrite(n).fitY = reshape(stArray(n).fitY,[l,1]);
    stWrite(n).Time = reshape(stArray(n).Time,[q,1]);

    %create matrix with all data to be written to text file
    A = zeros(700,size(x0,3)+11);
    A(1:length(stWrite(n).Time),1) = stWrite(n).Time;
    A(1:length(time),2) = time;
    A(1:length(stWrite(n).markers),3) = stWrite(n).markers(:,1);
    A(1:length(stWrite(n).markers),4) = stWrite(n).markers(:,2);
    A(1:length(stWrite(n).markers),5) = stWrite(n).markers(:,3);
    A(1:length(stWrite(n).POPN),6) = stWrite(n).POPN;
    A(1,7) = stWrite(n).POPNave;
    A(1,8) = Tao;
    A(1,9) = R;
    A(1:length(stWrite(n).Y),10) = stWrite(n).Y;
    A(1:length(stWrite(n).fitY),11) = stWrite(n).fitY;
    %iterate through the wavefroms and append to output matrix
    for j = 12:size(x0,3)+11
        A(:,j) = stWrite(n).waveform(:,j-11);

    %create header text array
    head = [];
    head1 =  ['Time(min),','time(ms),','Marker1,','Marker2,',...
    head2 = 'sweep#1,';
    for j = 2:size(x0,3)
        head2 = [head2,'sweep#', num2str(j), ','];

    head = [head1, head2];

    %create format array
    format1 = '%s ';
    for j = 1:size(x0,3)+10
        format1 = [format1, '%s '];
    format1 = [format1, '%s'];

    %open and name and insert header in file for storing output data
    fid = fopen([strtok((directory(n).name), '.'),...
    '_OutputData', '.txt'], 'wt');
    fprintf(fid, format1, head);

    %append output matrix to file
    dlmwrite([strtok((directory(n).name), '.'), '_OutputData', '.txt'],...
        A, '-append', 'delimiter', ',', 'roffset',1);

    %create text file of all analysis data for %recovery and tau
    if n==1
        fids = fopen('Summary of Output Data.txt', 'wt');
        fprintf(fids, '%s %s %s', ['subjectID#,','%Recovery,','Tau']);

    fprintf(fids, '\n%s %s %s', [[strtok((directory(n).name), '.'),','],...
        [num2str(POPNave, '%2.2f'),','], [num2str(Tao,'%2.2f'),',']]);

    %update progress bar
    step = step +1;
    perc = (step)/(4*size(directory,1));
    perc = num2str(perc,'%0.2f');
    perc = str2double(perc);
    waitbar(perc,h,sprintf('%.0f%% Global Progress...',perc*100))

    if n ~= size(directory,1)
        button6 = myquestdlg(['Do you want to stop ',...
            'analyzing the data?'],...
            'Analysis Option', 'No', 'Yes', 'No');
        button6 = lower(button6);
if strcmp(button6, 'yes') break; %n = size(directory, 1)+1; end end

%close progress bar

Data Files Generated

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% 10922001.abf - file already existed = axon binary file
% ...DataOutputSummary.pdf
% ...OutputData.txt

% ...POPNvstime.pdf
% ...YandfitYvsTime.pdf